Enquiry distribution system to get you on a cruise faster
The Cruiseabout EDS system aggregates all enquiries from the website into one concise platform. It’s sole purpose is to aid sales consultants in assisting their customers to book the best cruise holiday. All while we track it through the entire funnel to provide the necessary information back to the business with regards to performance and sales targets of consultants.
The Opportunity
The Solution
Product Design
The Cruiseabout PWA is very lightweight and not too complex with various screens. We have admin users that can see everything in the system, Team Leads that can see everything in their specific store and then consultants that can see their own store but only work with their own enquiries. The admin or team lead can update the store settings, and if the store is closed it would route the enquiry to the next open and available store. The enquiries list acts as your inbox with a ‘read’ status to indicate any activity on the item, you could easily log your interactions with the clients to track the progress as you go along. From an admin perspective we built a dashboard to provide clear visibility into all aspects of what is happening on the system.